R. Radloff and Associates | Engineering


Providing Thorough and Reliable Asset Management Assessments to First Nations Communities in BC - ACRS & E-ACRS

Providing Thorough and Reliable Asset Management Assessments to First Nations Communities in BC - ACRS & E-ACRS

Client: Indigenous Services Canada
Location: British Columbia

Since 2001, Radloff has worked with First Nations communities through a federal Asset Management Program that was created to manage and maintain government-funded infrastructure by promoting long asset life and ensuring the health & safety of both operators & end users. As part of the program, our highly qualified team of inspectors assesses the general condition of roads, bridges, water, wastewater, solid waste, schools, community buildings, and vehicles.  These inspectors work with each community to identify infrastructure upgrade, repair, and replacement needs and generate reports that include GPS-based infrastructure mapping, plans for reinvestment in the infrastructure, as well as asset valuations, which reflect the replacement costs and remaining life of each asset.

Extended Asset Condition Reporting System Program - Indigenous Services Canada

Asset Management: The What, Why, & How for your Community - Canadian Network of Asset Managers

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