R. Radloff and Associates | Engineering


Protecting Fraser Lake: Developing a Regional, Long-Term Waste Management Strategy

Protecting Fraser Lake: Developing a Regional, Long-Term Waste Management Strategy

Client: Nadleh Whut'en and Sellat'en First Nations
Location: Fraser Lake, BC

Nadleh Whut’en First Nation and Stellat’en First Nation have depended upon Fraser Lake and other local water sources for thousands of years. In order to protect their water sources from potentially adverse effects of wastewater and to create a healthy environment, these two communities have asked Radloff to develop a long-term waste management strategy. This project would see the construction of a forcemain from the west end of Fraser Lake to a regional disposal field located on Nautley IR#1 at the east end of Fraser Lake. Wastewater would be collected from both First Nations communities, and potentially the Village of Fraser Lake, and various other residences and industrial properties along the lake.  

Yinka Dene Surface Water Policy


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NEXT Helping Prince George Protect a Vulnerable Resource - CPG Wells Protection Plan