R. Radloff and Associates | Engineering


Stellat'en Lagoon Upgrades

Stellat'en Lagoon Upgrades

Client: Stellat'en First Nation
Location: Stellaquo

R. Radloff & Associates Inc. was retained by the Stellat'en First Nation to design an upgrade to their overloaded lagoon and wetland wastewater system in Stellaquo, BC.  The challenges of the project included working with placement of the existing lagoon, which was located on a site with high groundwater, poor soil permeability, and development/expansion constraints, as well as, a growing population and housing development plan that would tax an already overloaded system. To remedy these issues, Radloff developed a design for an Evapo-Transpiration bed to be added to increase the current capacity.

Project Goals Accomplished:

To assess existing facilities and existing wastewater loads
To develop dewatering and storage concepts for the waste stream
To assess possible temporary and permanent improvements to the dump site
To assess and identify long term upgrades and management options for the system

Project Value:


Project Duration:

2019 - 

Project Team Participation:

Bob Radloff, P.Eng – Project Manager
Stuart Radloff, A.Sc.T.



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