R. Radloff and Associates | Engineering


Planning for a Healthy Community: Talka First Nation Maintenance Management Plan

Planning for a Healthy Community: Talka First Nation Maintenance Management Plan

Client: Talka Nation
Location: Takla Landing, BC

In June 2019, Radloff began working with Talka Nation to create a Maintenance Management Plan that would equip the community with a reliable maintenance tracking tool and support their desire for self-sufficiency in routine preventative maintenance. Phase 1 involved creating a proposed work plan and submitting a funding request to Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) on behalf of the community. The proposal outlined numerous community asset objectives to be addressed if funding was awarded. Objectives included increasing the reliability and life expectancy of asset and system components, preventing potential system failures, and reducing overall maintenance costs.

The final product, a comprehensive and user-friendly Maintenance Management Plan, was delivered to Takla Nation in March 2021. The document outlines weekly, monthly, and yearly maintenance projects in relation to prominent community assets, including the school, youth centre, and potlatch house. It also accounts for maintenance planning relating to seasonal changes, a particularly important factor for communities like Takla, where asset maintenance is significantly impacted by the harsh, northern winter climate. 

From here we have moved into Phase 2, as Radloff continues to work with Takla towards the implementation of the document along with the development of an asset management system.

Talka Nation's Public Works Department


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